Network isolation and package management
This document is archived and may be out of date or inaccurate.
For your self-hosted systems there are likely hosts you don’t want exposed to the wilds of ‘The Internet’, even for outgoing traffic, but you still want to be able to do package updates. Here is how you do that using NGINX as a proxy on a host on an isolated network and is also on an internet connected network.
- An isolated network (e.g. a network with no internet connectivity) – aka isolated-net.
- At least one host solely on the isolated network that you can administer (e.g. through a console).
- An internet connected network (can be through a NAT router, the important bit is that hosts on the network are free to go out to hosts on the internet) – aka internet-net.
- A host which as an interface both on isolated-net and on internet-net. We’ll call this host proxy-host.
- IP Forwarding is disabled on proxy-host (not a strict requirement, but avoids the possibility of proxy-host leaking traffic between isolated-net and internet-net accidentally.
Method 1: Mirroring and/or creating package repositories on proxy-host
- This is the most work, but is the more isolated option.
- It can be arranged to do the serving the repositories on the proxy-host but the mirroring or repository creation on another host, with the results copied to proxy-host. This gives quite a high degree of isolation.
- We cover both types of repo here. Details of the highly isolated configuration are left as an exercise for the reader.
CentOS 7 package mirror
- See the CentOS Wiki HowTos/CreateLocalMirror page for basic information.
- For a more detailed example see CentOS 7 partial mirrors and custom repositories page
Debian/Ubuntu package mirror
- See the Debian Wiki Debian/Repository/Setup page for many options and details.
Target configuration
- mkdir -p /etc/yum/pluginconf.d.disabled; mv /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/* /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/disabled
- mkdir -p /etc/yum.repos.d.disabled; mv /etc/yum.repos.d/* /etc/yum.repos.d.disabled
- Given a partial mirror and/or custom repository, use something like CentOS 7 repo sample yum repo configuration files (a .repo file) which points to the server which is both has access to the internet and is connected to the isolated network.
- Now you can yum install and yum upgrade from the local repository without hitting the internet from the host performing the yum command.
Method 2: Proxy specific URL prefixes to a specific package mirror
CentOS 7 packages via proxy
E.g. In nginx proxy to
To do so use an nginx.conf with a part such as:
location /centos { allow; allow fa3b:1452:2426:22::/64; deny all; autoindex off; resolver; proxy_pass$uri$is\_args$args; }
in the appropriate server section.
Replace the existing .repo file sections (in /etc/yum.repos.d/*) with ones like:
[centos-core] name=CentOS Core Hosted Locally baseurl=\_64/ enabled=1 skip_if_unavailable=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-7
Debian and derivatives: packages via proxy
EDIT: For a better solution see apt cache for isolated networks
E.g. In nginx proxy to
To do so use an nginx.conf with a part such as:
location /debian {
allow fa3b:1452:2426:22::/64;
deny all;
autoindex off;
in the appropriate server section.
- And update the package repository file (in the above example, it’s /etc/apt/sources.list for a debian (or derivative) system) to point to instead of (or other mirror).
- E.g. deb stretch main contrib non-free
Other package managers
- The same general technique can be applied to most package managers. As long as you can have a ‘prefix’ to the path part of the URL (e.g. in this case /debian and can specify a specific mirror (which becomes your proxy host, in this case, you can redirect the package traffic to host of your choices.
- For things like restic self-update, however, it doesn’t work because restic has hard-coded as a download path, and we can’t intercept that without looking like a Man-in-the-Middle attack. We probably don’t want to ‘fix’ that even if we could, since having ‘random’ binaries updating themselves is probably a bad idea anyway. Instead we need to implement some other release monitoring and update notification method, and to manually update the third party package.